Making Friends at Hostels in Southeast Asia

Making Friends at Hostels in Southeast Asia

Making Friends at Hostels in Southeast Asia

Aug 1, 2024

Aug 1, 2024

Aug 1, 2024

Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower

Traveling through Southeast Asia in your 20s is an adventure full of new experiences, delicious food, and stunning landscapes. One of the best parts of backpacking in this region is the opportunity to meet fellow travelers and make lifelong friends. Hostels are the social hubs of the backpacking world, offering affordable accommodation and plenty of chances to connect with people from all over the globe. If you're planning a trip and want to make the most of your hostel experience, here are some tips for making friends along the way!

1. Choose Social Hostels

Not all hostels are created equal. If your goal is to meet new people, look for hostels that are known for their social atmosphere. Many hostels in Southeast Asia host events like pub crawls, cooking classes, and group tours. These activities provide a perfect opportunity to mingle with other travelers.

Tip: Check reviews on hostel booking sites to find out which places are known for their social vibe. Hostels with common areas like lounges, bars, or rooftop terraces are ideal for meeting people.

2. Join Group Activities and Tours

Most hostels in Southeast Asia offer a variety of group activities and tours. Whether it's a city walking tour, a cooking class, or a day trip to nearby attractions, joining these activities is a great way to break the ice and bond over shared experiences.

Tip: Don’t be shy! Signing up for group activities, even if you're alone, is one of the easiest ways to meet fellow travelers. You might find yourself chatting with someone over a shared interest or adventure.

3. Hang Out in Common Areas

Common areas are the heart of hostel life. These spaces are designed for socializing, whether you're sharing travel stories, playing board games, or just relaxing. Make it a habit to spend time in these areas, and you're bound to strike up a conversation with someone.

Tip: Bring a deck of cards or a game that can be played in a group. It's an easy way to get people involved and start talking.

4. Use Hostel Events as Conversation Starters

Hostel-hosted events, such as BBQ nights, quiz competitions, or movie nights, are designed to bring travelers together. Use these events as natural conversation starters. It’s easy to strike up a chat by asking if someone wants to join you or by commenting on the event.

Tip: Volunteer to help out at an event. Many hostels appreciate a helping hand, and it’s a great way to meet people and be part of the community.

5. Be Open and Approachable

Your body language can say a lot about your openness to meeting new people. Make eye contact, smile, and keep your headphones off when you're in social spaces. A friendly demeanor invites others to approach you and start a conversation.

Tip: Keep a few conversation starters handy, like asking about someone's travel plans or where they’ve been. Most travelers are more than happy to share their stories.

6. Embrace Shared Dorm Rooms

While private rooms offer more comfort, shared dorms are where most hostel friendships begin. Staying in a dorm forces you out of your comfort zone and into situations where conversations naturally occur.

Tip: Be mindful of others’ space and time, but don’t hesitate to say hi or ask a fellow dorm mate if they want to grab a meal together. Shared dorms are perfect for spontaneous plans.

7. Cook or Eat Together

Many hostels have shared kitchens where you can cook your own meals. Cooking in the communal kitchen is a great way to meet people, share recipes, and even cook together. If cooking isn’t your thing, suggest going out for a meal with fellow travelers.

Tip: Food is a universal language. Offer to share a dish you’ve prepared or suggest a potluck dinner where everyone brings something to the table.

8. Stay Connected After You Leave

The friendships you make at hostels can last long after you move on to your next destination. Exchange contact information, add each other on social media, or create a WhatsApp group to stay in touch. You never know when your paths might cross again!

Tip: Make a note of where your new friends are heading. You might find yourself in the same city again, which is a perfect excuse to meet up and explore together.


Making friends while staying in hostels in Southeast Asia is one of the most rewarding parts of travel. By choosing the right hostels, participating in activities, and being open to new experiences, you can create lasting memories and friendships that span the globe. Whether you’re exploring temples in Thailand, hiking in Vietnam, or relaxing on the beaches of Indonesia, remember that the people you meet are as much a part of your adventure as the places you visit. So, pack your bags, embrace the journey, and let Moreta be your trusted travel companion as you make friends and explore Southeast Asia!

Traveling through Southeast Asia in your 20s is an adventure full of new experiences, delicious food, and stunning landscapes. One of the best parts of backpacking in this region is the opportunity to meet fellow travelers and make lifelong friends. Hostels are the social hubs of the backpacking world, offering affordable accommodation and plenty of chances to connect with people from all over the globe. If you're planning a trip and want to make the most of your hostel experience, here are some tips for making friends along the way!

1. Choose Social Hostels

Not all hostels are created equal. If your goal is to meet new people, look for hostels that are known for their social atmosphere. Many hostels in Southeast Asia host events like pub crawls, cooking classes, and group tours. These activities provide a perfect opportunity to mingle with other travelers.

Tip: Check reviews on hostel booking sites to find out which places are known for their social vibe. Hostels with common areas like lounges, bars, or rooftop terraces are ideal for meeting people.

2. Join Group Activities and Tours

Most hostels in Southeast Asia offer a variety of group activities and tours. Whether it's a city walking tour, a cooking class, or a day trip to nearby attractions, joining these activities is a great way to break the ice and bond over shared experiences.

Tip: Don’t be shy! Signing up for group activities, even if you're alone, is one of the easiest ways to meet fellow travelers. You might find yourself chatting with someone over a shared interest or adventure.

3. Hang Out in Common Areas

Common areas are the heart of hostel life. These spaces are designed for socializing, whether you're sharing travel stories, playing board games, or just relaxing. Make it a habit to spend time in these areas, and you're bound to strike up a conversation with someone.

Tip: Bring a deck of cards or a game that can be played in a group. It's an easy way to get people involved and start talking.

4. Use Hostel Events as Conversation Starters

Hostel-hosted events, such as BBQ nights, quiz competitions, or movie nights, are designed to bring travelers together. Use these events as natural conversation starters. It’s easy to strike up a chat by asking if someone wants to join you or by commenting on the event.

Tip: Volunteer to help out at an event. Many hostels appreciate a helping hand, and it’s a great way to meet people and be part of the community.

5. Be Open and Approachable

Your body language can say a lot about your openness to meeting new people. Make eye contact, smile, and keep your headphones off when you're in social spaces. A friendly demeanor invites others to approach you and start a conversation.

Tip: Keep a few conversation starters handy, like asking about someone's travel plans or where they’ve been. Most travelers are more than happy to share their stories.

6. Embrace Shared Dorm Rooms

While private rooms offer more comfort, shared dorms are where most hostel friendships begin. Staying in a dorm forces you out of your comfort zone and into situations where conversations naturally occur.

Tip: Be mindful of others’ space and time, but don’t hesitate to say hi or ask a fellow dorm mate if they want to grab a meal together. Shared dorms are perfect for spontaneous plans.

7. Cook or Eat Together

Many hostels have shared kitchens where you can cook your own meals. Cooking in the communal kitchen is a great way to meet people, share recipes, and even cook together. If cooking isn’t your thing, suggest going out for a meal with fellow travelers.

Tip: Food is a universal language. Offer to share a dish you’ve prepared or suggest a potluck dinner where everyone brings something to the table.

8. Stay Connected After You Leave

The friendships you make at hostels can last long after you move on to your next destination. Exchange contact information, add each other on social media, or create a WhatsApp group to stay in touch. You never know when your paths might cross again!

Tip: Make a note of where your new friends are heading. You might find yourself in the same city again, which is a perfect excuse to meet up and explore together.


Making friends while staying in hostels in Southeast Asia is one of the most rewarding parts of travel. By choosing the right hostels, participating in activities, and being open to new experiences, you can create lasting memories and friendships that span the globe. Whether you’re exploring temples in Thailand, hiking in Vietnam, or relaxing on the beaches of Indonesia, remember that the people you meet are as much a part of your adventure as the places you visit. So, pack your bags, embrace the journey, and let Moreta be your trusted travel companion as you make friends and explore Southeast Asia!